Stay Connected

Stay in the Loop: 

The Loop is City on a Hill’s weekly email, which is sent out each Tuesday! 

Our weekly email features City on a Hill’s upcoming events, as well as spotlighting other upcoming events local to KC that may pique your interest.


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City on a Hill Updates

Subscribe to The Ascent, a City on a Hill publication

The Ascent, (formerly the Scoop), is City on a Hill’s twice a year print magazine created to share the recent fruits of our mission. Featuring stories penned by various members of our community!

Follow City on a Hill on Instagram: 

Keep up with City on a Hill’s upcoming events and news via Instagram. 


Follow City on a Hill’s Facebook Page: 

The Facebook page features upcoming events, City on a Hill news, spotlights helpful resources, and the occasional inspirational post! 

Facebook Page

Join City on a Hill’s Facebook Group:

Request to join this group today, where other members post upcoming events, exciting news, local job openings, and, most commonly, roommate requests! 

Facebook Group